Ir. Yadi Krisnadi, MM, IAI, GP is an architect, engineer, and green building expert with +25 years experiences in building design & construction industries.
Yadi earned Bachelor Degree in Architecture from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Master in Management from IPMI Business School.
Yadi is a member of Indonesian Institute of Architect (IAI) & Indonesian Association of Green Building Experts (IABHI).
Ir. Wiza Hidayat, ST, GP, IPM, ASEAN Eng is an engineer, designer, and greenship professional with a mission to enable people to have a happy, healthy, and comfortable space to work. Wiza has delivered +200 workplaces transformation projects.
Wiza earned Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and certified Design Management from University of the Arts London.
Wiza is a member of the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) & Indonesian Association of Green Building Experts (IABHI).
We’re available for a meeting if you’d like to get together and have a discussion about green building consultation.
Send us an email and we will arrange a meeting.
Contact us for a Meeting
Bachelor (S1) of Architecture from Indonesia Islamic University.
Bachelor (S1) of Architecture from Parahyangan University.
Bachelor (S1) of Engineering Physics from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) & Master (S2) of Engineering Physics from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
Bachelor (S1) of Energy Conversion Engineering from Bandung State Polytechnic.
Bachelor (S1) of Energy Conversion Engineering from Bandung State Polytechnic & Master Technology (S2) for Sustainable Development from Gadjah Mada University.
Bachelor (S1) of Civil Engineering from University of Indonesia.