Green Building Strategies at “Forum Diskusi Nusantara” IndoBuildTech 2024

June 15, 2024

Yadi Krisnadi, Chairman & Advisor Ecobuild Green Building Consultant, invited as one of the panelist at the “Forum Diskusi Nusantara” organized by Indonesian Architects Association, on Friday, June 14 2024, at the Nusantara Hall, Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City.

The talk show, themed “Green Building Planning,” was attended by a diverse group of participants, including practitioners, academics, company representatives, associations, and media.

In the session, Yadi Krisnadi highlighted the necessity of green buildings, pointing out that buildings contribute 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions, generate 40% of total solid waste, and consume 12% of the world’s water supply.

Additionally, indoor air quality in buildings often contains up to five times more pollutants than outdoor air and can exceed pollution levels by 100 times.

Yadi also highlighted the benefits of green buildings, particularly in terms of cost efficiency in utility usage such as electricity, clean water, maintenance, and upkeep.

The implementation of standard operational and maintenance procedures is crucial for ensuring optimal and healthy building operation. Furthermore, green buildings play a pivotal role in environmental conservation within their surroundings.

“Green buildings not only protect the environment but also promote sustainability across economic, social, and environmental dimensions,” said Yadi Krisnadi.

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